By removing the requirement to stop using all substances, we can see the path to reaching our goals more clearly. This is what we're all about:
1. Vices are normal
We’re all altering our mood and our mind every day ー whether it be yoga, video games, chocolate, coffee, whiskey, or cocaine ー some have more consequences than others. Some habits support where you want to go, while others may be holding you back.
2. It’s never too early to start working on yourself.
You’re nowhere near ‘rock bottom,’ but let’s be honest, you could be doing so much better. Our trained therapists and coaches are ready to help you change your habits and behaviors to help you thrive. If you want to try medications or would prefer peer support, we can help with that okay too.
3. What you’re going through is hard, but getting help doesn’t have to be.
We think getting care should be as easy as buying drugs or escaping on social media. That means immediate access to a personalized experience that is actually appealing, culturally relevant, and cost-effective.
4. It’s helpful to address the big picture, not just your drug use or drinking.
We recognize you’re a whole person and will help you put together all of the pieces for wellness. When you set goals around reducing your drinking or drug use we’ll also work with you to understand how these goals connect to other things happening in your brain and body.