What is Suboxone and what does it do? A brand-name prescription medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it is used to treat people with an opioid addiction, and sees an increase in effectiveness when used in cohesion with behavioral therapy. As with a lot of medication, however, it is not without its flaws. Discover in-depth what the drug is, the side effects of Suboxone, and the important things one might need to know about it, especially if you or a loved one is prescribed it.
What is Suboxone?
The combination formula of buprenorphine and naloxone was approved for medical use in the US back in 2002, and in the EU in 2017. This combination led to the formulation of the drug we now know as Suboxone. Buprenorphine/naloxone, commonly sold under the name Suboxone, is a prescription medication used to treat opioid addiction.
Suboxone contains two drugs, buprenorphine which is an opioid partial agonist-antagonist, and naloxone which is an opioid antagonist. Buprenorphine stimulates some opioid effects, and in doing so helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone, on the other hand, works to prevent abuse of the drug.
It comes as an oral film that is sublingual or placed under the tongue, or a buccal film that is placed in between your cheek and gums. The film dissolves in your mouth and should not be chewed or swallowed.
Suboxone Uses
Suboxone is used to treat opioid use disorder (substance abuse disorder related to drugs such as heroin, morphine, fentanyl, etc.) Suboxone is also used to treat opioid withdrawal symptoms. The two drugs in Suboxone, buprenorphine and naloxone, work together to deter opioid addiction and prevent relapse and withdrawal.
How does Suboxone work?
According to Harvard Health Publishing, Suboxone works by binding to the same receptors in the brain as other opioid drugs would. As a result, it blunts intoxication with these other opiates and reduces cravings.
Can Suboxone make me sick?
Unfortunately, taking Suboxone can make you feel like you’re sick. Some of the side effects of Suboxone include nausea, chills, among other things. Rest assured, these side effects are normal, and are signs that the medication is doing its job.
Does Suboxone affect your mental health?
Long-term Suboxone use can affect you mentally. Being under medication can cause depression, anxiety, loss of libido, etc.